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Review for religious
Review for religious
Digitaal beschikbaar:
Ja: Saint Louis University Libraries is proud to make these volumes available through a partnership with the U.S. Central and Southern Province, Society of Jesus. Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute individual articles for personal, classroom, or workshop use. Please credit Review for Religious and reference the volume, issue, and page number and cite Saint Louis University Libraries as the host of the digital collection. Zie http://digitalcollections.slu.edu/digital/collection/rfr
Jaren van uitgave:
Aanwezig in St. Agatha:
1(1942) - 20(1961); 24(1965)-65(2006), nr. 2
Hiervan ontbreken:
2004, nrs. 3 en 4; 2005, nrs. 2 en 4; 2006, nr. 1;
Review for Religious was published by Jesuits of the Missouri Province from 1942 through January 2012. This journal published articles of interest for women and men religious across the spectrum of religious life from active apostolic communities to contemplative monastic communities and covered a wide range of topics pertinent to religious life—prayer and spirituality, current best practices, and helpful canonical guidelines, etc. This collection provides a unique window into religious life during the 30 years leading up to Vatican II and documents the impact the Council had on religious communities during the 40 years that followed. Researchers should find this collection an invaluable resource for documenting the dramatic changes that took place in religious life over a span of 70 years.
Catholic University of America Press